ALFAn Winter School 2025

December 1-11, 2025
Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México, Ciudad de México
Unidad de Posgrado, Ciudad Universitaria

ALFAn has successfully organized two ALFAn Schools, the first in Uruguay in 2019; the second in Brazil in 2023. In December 2025, we will organize the third edition (which, on this occasion, we will call the Winter School) in Mexico. The ALFAn School project has among its most important objectives to contribute to the training of students from Latin America, promote the exchange of ideas and knowledge between people who are dedicated to analytic philosophy in Latin America, encourage philosophical writing and discussion in Spanish and Portuguese, and strengthen networks and dialogue between people who study or develop their thought in the different countries of Latin America.

The ALFAn 2025 Winter School offers an opportunity for graduate students from various Latin American universities to deepen their studies in fundamental topics of contemporary analytic philosophy through specialized seminars. It also allows students to interact with each other and to establish fruitful links with more experienced academics with the purpose of laying the foundations for an active community of young researchers.

In this third edition, the School will have courses and counseling from Dr. Manuela Fernández (Universidad de los Andes, Colombia), Dr. João Marcos (Universidad Federal de Santa Catarina, Brazil), Dr. Aliosha Barranco (Bowdoine College, USA) and Dr. Federico Burdman (Universidad Alberto Hurtado, Chile). It is important to note that these academic activities will be free of charge.

Organized by:

Asociación Latinoamericana de Filosofía Analítica (ALFAn)

Supported by:

Programa de Posgrado en Filosofía de la Ciencia (UNAM)
Programa de Posgrado en Filosofía (UNAM)
Instituto de Investigaciones Filosóficas (UNAM)

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