How to join ALFAn? Joining the association must be done by means of a letter requesting membership to the Directive Board, which must be sent to In this letter you must indicate whether you wish to join as an ordinary, adjunct or institutional member, and how you meet the criteria for your type of membership. In addition, you must include a curriculum vitae in the case of individuals; and the link to the electronic page and/or a copy of your articles of incorporation in the case of institutions. If more elements are required, the Directive Board may ask applicants for additional information. Below are the types of membership and the requirements for each type of member. If you have any questions, please contact us.
Do you want to become a member of ALFAn? There are three types of ALFAn members: ordinary, adjunct and institutional. In all cases, membership status is acquired upon written application to the Directive Board, by agreement of said Board, and after payment of the registration fee.
Ordinary members
Any natural person who conducts research and/or teaches in analytic philosophy, who has a clear commitment to the association, and who meets the following requirements may apply to become ordinary members of ALFAn:
i. that they are affiliated with a higher education institution or a research center, or have retired from one of these.
ii. that they have a doctorate or equivalent merits,
iii. that they have four published articles (or failing that, a published book) on analytic philosophy in the last five years, or a recognized track record of publication in analytical philosophy.
These members have the right to vote and to be elected to be part of the Directive Board. Only philosophers who work in Latin America may be elected. In exceptional cases, the Directive Board may exempt an applicant from only one of the above requirements provided that they have letters of recommendation from two ordinary members.
The annual fee for ordinary members is USD $30. If two years are paid, the total cost is USD $45.
Adjunct Members
Any natural person who meets the following requirements may apply to become an adjunct member of ALFAn:
i. who works in analytic philosophy,
ii. who has two letters of recommendation from ordinary members,
iii. who (a) is enrolled in a postgraduate program at a higher education institution, (b) has completed his doctorate in the last two years but does not yet meet the requirements to be an ordinary member, or (c) is a professor at a secondary education institution.
These members have the same rights as ordinary members, except for the right to vote and to be elected to be part of the Directive Board. Adjunct members may request to be changed to ordinary members when they meet the requirements for this category.
The annual fee for associate members is USD $20. If two years are paid, the total cost is USD $30.
Institucional Members
All institutions, associations or organizations in which research in analytic philosophy is carried out may apply to become institutional members of ALFAn. Approval for institutional membership will be at the discretion of the Directive Board. These members do not have the right to vote or be elected to the Directive Board.
The institutional fee is USD $90.
If you have any questions, please contact us at